
Dr. Jennifer Swanson is available for senior physician executive opportunities on a consultant (interim or part-time) or full time basis. She has experience in 4 different specialty areas of medicine and a consistent track record of high level performance in each. She values collaborative relationships with leaders in operations, finance and nursing and enjoys working on multidisciplinary teams to tackle complex problems.

Jennifer’s CV is available for review here.

Dr. Swanson has deep experience in healthcare quality oversight and improvement. She utilizes “lean” approaches such as standard work, SWOT analysis, 5 S, Value stream mapping, and PDSA cycles to evaluate and measure success. She has led successful improvement initiatives in peer review, patient satisfaction, and quality metrics. Critical to the success of any improvement initiative is the engagement of providers in the process. She can also provide guidance into provider recruitment, training, onboarding and well-being programs that support the quadruple aim.

Innovation in healthcare is stifled by a compensation system that is based on the outdated, outgoing fee for service model of reimbursement. In many organizations there is a strong desire to fix what has been characterized as a “broken system”, but there is little tolerance for the failures that necessarily must come with experimentation and exploration of new possibilities. Dr. Swanson led the development of critically important, innovative care delivery models during the Covid Pandemic– including telemedicine, respiratory care centers and drive up testing. She can support both the development of innovative approaches in healthcare as well as the implementation of change within an organization.

Jennifer has had a passion throughout her career in developing others. Through leader onboarding and orientation programs, she has helped many leaders step confidently into their first management role. Through subsequent workshops, coaching and mentoring, she has supported established directors as they have moved on to more senior positions. Jennifer understands how to help a leader integrate and implement new learnings after a training. Jennifer provides group and individual leadership development solutions specifically tailored to meet each organization’s needs.

Yogi Berra said, “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” Jennifer has used strategic planning to define her career path and achieve her personal goals. One of her talents is the ability to see both the big picture as well as the finer details and steps necessary to reach that goal. She integrates strategic thinking into every aspect of service delivery – whether the engagement is for coaching, training or consulting.

Jennifer has completed Gallup Strengths Coach training and offers both individual and group training focused on the use of Gallup Strengths to develop individual employees, build high performing teams, and craft a productive and positive work culture. Set up a free consultation to discuss your company needs and discover the variety of options available for individuals or organizations.

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